So I started..


Yesterday we started our first round of clomid after nearly 2 years of trying. I have been tested for everything twice & I came back normal. My problem is that he hasn't done shyt, I've been asking him since we started to test his count. He says he'll do it & never has! So Sunday I told him I'm done with this, I have done everything. He's said oh I have done my part, I said l like what? Put your Dick in me & go? When I talk I am very direct & matter of fact. I told him you know we've been having issues conceiving & you been asked numerous times to get tested. It takes two people to have a fukn baby but it's only been one. I've done every thing you've asked, but you make up excuses. He gets upset & has been saying he doesn't get what's going on. Like this whole journey I felt like I was the only one taking it serious. I gave him the ultimatum of if he didn't get tested before this cycle of clomid is done there will be no baby. He scheduled the appointment literally the next day for this Friday. I mean was I wrong for saying what I said?