Would you….


Stay at a job JUST because your comfortable there? Let’s say you’ve been there 5 year. You basically do your own thing. But you were just informed you won’t receive anymore raises because you get free child care by working there AND you only make 11.15 an hour with a 2 year associates degree. You have good hours 7am-4pm but it’s an hour drive from your house (keep in mind your traveling that hour with a 2 year old).

I have a interview at a place that’s only 15 minutes from my house. I’m pretty sure I would have to start out with the late hours (closing shift) and I’m not sure about the pay yet BUT they offer free child care for one child also.

I’m just so scared of change and the unknown. Also HATE the idea of uprooting my child to a new school with ppl he won’t know. Any advice?

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