So embarrassing 😂

Chef Cara • Currently cook for a fine dining restaurant in Traverse City. Single, 29, chef, would love to be a mom someday.

Today I had an MRI on my brain. Once I was finally able to calm down, we were ready to roll. About 5 mins in, another technician came in and brought me back out of the machine. He said the scans were showing what looked like bobby pins and if I could take them out. A few days ago I put one in but forgot it was in there but I don't remember feeling it before today. Thinking it must of fell out. So I'm feeling all over my hair than uh oh I then realized exactly what they were talking about. It was my wig🤦‍♀️. The combs on the inside were showing up on the scan. I tell them exactly what it was all red in the face lol. I had to take my wig off and put it on the counter. They were so professional about it but I was so embarrassed. Ww did have a good laugh. They actually said they had no idea that it was a wig until I said something. We were able to finish the scan. The longest 20 mins of my life😂. Thankfully it was in another city almost 2 hrs away.