Am I wrong to feel like this?

I feel like my mother is pushing me to do things I don’t want to. I am 19, still living in her house but found out I’m pregnant in May and moving out soon with my boyfriend.

When I first told my mother I was pregnant she told me not to tell anyone or post pics or anything…

I had my first appointment when I was 6 weeks on June 14, and she BEGGED me to let her go to the appointment with me. So of course I said yes and she came… nothing too bad with that. But then after the appointment she’s like “You have to let me post it!” And I’m like no I would prefer not to yet since it’s so early, me and my boyfriend didn’t really talk about when we wanted to share. But she kept BEGGING me to let her tell everyone. Absolutely begging me to the point when I would say no I said no she would call me selfish because this is her first grand child. I gave in after she texted me asking if she could post on Facebook so now everyone knows.

Not long after we were talking about how she had so many people in her delivery room when she was giving birth to me like sooo many people from immediate and extended family. I told her I didn’t really want anyone in my delivery room or really even at the hospital besides my boyfriend when I am giving birth but then can see the baby afterward just not during and she said I’m being really selfish if I don’t let her in my room and my dad at the hospital.

Next thing she says is she wants to stay at my boyfriends and i apartment after the baby is born for a couple weeks to help with the baby. I know she’s trying to help but I think this is just too much.

I understand it’s her first grand child but it’s my baby too and it’s just how I feel.. am I wrong for feeling like this is way too much and controlling?