Post Partum bleeding


I had my son exactly 6 weeks ago tomorrow. He is my fourth child I am pretty familiar with the unpleasant after birth process. I am still bleeding it isn’t heavy but it is still bright. I have it when I wipe and it’s bloody discharge really most days. It will slow some and turn into a brown discharge and I think it’s ending then it comes right back. I have some cramping but it’s not constant or anything that is overly painful. I’m just worried because my last 3 pregnancies I was done bleeding by this point and some what back to my normal vaginal discharge. What makes it worse is I’m already extremely anemic after pregnancy and giving birth. Even though I’m taking iron daily the constant bleeding is not helping at all I still have low iron symptoms. Did anyone else bleed this long after birth? Should I worry? I have my 6 week appointment coming up but they couldn’t get me in until later in the month.