My brothers kids made my son cry

I have a 14 year old who I adopted from the foster system. He came to me when he was 12. He was sexually abuse at 4 by his mom and dad and was put in very bad abusive homes. He has separation anxiety from him and is regressed. He acts younger than 14. He has bern to many specialist because people kept saying they think he's autistic. All of them said he's not. The trauma is what caused him to age regress. So he still sucks his thumb. Wets the bed highly. Has bad separation anxiety and just acts very young. He's on therapy but we don't seem to be getting anywhere so far. I was with my family today and my brother had his kids. I'm trying to get my son used to me not being around. He's worried I won't come back. So I took advice and tell him I will be back in 5 minutes or 10. He still gets upset but I come back in the time frame and he's better. I told him I would be gone for 10 minutes to help my sister grab some stuff. I come back to him bawling. My brothers kids told him that I had said I was leaving him and not coming back and stuff like that. And my brother is LAUGHING! Our sister called him a POS and I took my son home. My brother and his kids are now ruining what I'm working towards.