Does my son sound autistic .?


First, I know we are not doctors and I already have an appointment to get my son evaluated. I just wanted others opinions. It's my first baby and I never really been around babies too much to know if this is normal behavior or not ..

So my son is 14 months old now.

He likes to spin wheels. He will turn his toy trucks over just to spin the wheels.

He will hold an object in his hand and walk back and forth with it.

He does not say any words.

He does not hand me toys or objects.

Sometimes it's hard to get his attention.

Rolls both wrists in the air when he eats.

He does give hugs. Knows how to wave. He does clap his hands on command. Smiles when I sing to him. Puts out his arms to be picked up. Mimics noises that I make and now points.

I don't want to be in denial here..

But he does not walk on his toes.

Does not cover his ears when hearing loud noises.

Does not rock back and forth.

And does not walk backwards.

I guess I'm just looking for opinions and or comments.

New mom with high anxiety 🥺

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