BF and pumping routines


Tell me about your pumping and Breast feeding routines. I have a 4 month old he still eats about every 3-4 hours. And want to know how often you breast feed or bottle feed throughout the day. I currently have my third round now of mastitis and don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I just changed flange sizes suspecting that might be the issue. Cracked nips and bacteria. How often do you pump? How long does it take? Does your baby only prefer one breast? If so do you always pump the other one immediately or wait and offer it to them next feed? Do you wake up and pump at night? If so how long are you able to sleep? Just want to get some others experiences I’m a first time mom and I’m not giving up on my BF journey but I literally don’t know anyone who has breast fed and pumped and need help!!!