Melatonin causing kids nightmares ??


Hi all!

So my 4yo son has always been a really great sleeper. We’ve never been a melatonin family because of that, but occasionally I will give it to him if he’s had an overstimulating day and hasn’t wound down by 8:30-9ish.

Well I noticed a few weeks ago (the last time I gave it to him) that there seemed to be a pattern in which nights I would give him a gummy (the Olly brand is what we have and the ingredients themselves are mostly natural plant based sources) he wakes up with nightmares.

Well tonight he was wired at bedtime and actually asked for one. Against my better judgement I gave him one of the gummies and he went to bed within an hour.

But woke up at 12:15. He did, in fact, wake from a nightmare about sharks eating people. I explained that sharks rarely eat people and when they do it’s not on purpose. They simply get mistaken for their actual food, fish and seals. (He’s a science brain and loves everything ocean related so I usually give him straight facts) He went back to sleep happily getting back rubs and kisses.

But honestly I feel like such a crappy mom for even giving him those things to begin with and plan to chunk them in the trash ASAP.

Any other mommies have their littles experience nightmares with melatonin?