For pregnant or nursing/pumping mama's who exercise a lot.


I know a lot of people won't care about this but for those mommas who workout, exercise, or hike a lot and nurse/pump. Nike finally has a nursing sports bra!!! I have wanted a real sports bra that I could easily nurse in since my last baby. Breastfed for 2 years and starting working out at 3 weeks pp (it was cleared by my ob) and nursing bras suck for work outs or sports but sports bras suck for nursing. Bought this and while haven't started officially workouts post baby 2 (born June 22nd) we have done several hikes and other more intense physical activities and it has been amazing. I literally just bought 2 more...and they adjust so as I lose some baby fluff don't need to buy a new size. Again most mommas won't care but for those who had the same issue I highly suggest looking into it. So nice to do a 3 or 4 hr hike with a bra that works and can nurse in. I am way happier and more excited then I should be over a bra haha.