

My son has been in the NICU since the day after he was born on July 11th. He was born at 36 weeks 5 days weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces. I’m type O+ and he’s B+ so I was told his jaundice is a bit more extreme because of this. I have been driving myself crazy thinking every day is going to be the day we get called to come pick up our son finally and bring him home. My 3 year old turns 4 next week and all he keeps talking about is him and his baby brother going to play outside for his birthday. It’s breaking my heart. I go visit him at the NICU daily and nurse him and get to change his diapers but after leaving knowing he’s not coming home yet with is it just breaks me down. One minute his numbers are high 16 or 17 the next it’s at a 11 or 12. He’s a week old officially today and I just can’t stop crying. I feel like this will never end.