Hot to politely shut someone down?


How do you guys politely shut someone down who is giving or trying to give parenting advice? I can be downright mean, and it has NOTHING to do with the fact that I’m pregnant, I’m a short tempered person and I’m in therapy to not be that way. It isn’t healthy or normal. However my fuse is unnaturally short when people, (and don’t crucify me for this next part) especially those without children are trying to throw parenting advice at me...

I’m not the see all, be all, end all of moms and the perfect parent but I find it so incredibly rude? I already have two children, I’m pregnant with my third and while I’m opening to learning new things... if I didn’t ask why’re you trying to tell me things I already know and am currently dealing with? Drives me insane!

It’s also the issue of this person recommending me baby items that are ‘must haves’ that simply aren’t safe and aren’t compatible with my kids who are already here. Things they’ve never used themselves and have no experience with either, as they don’t have children and don’t regularly watch or deal with children. Anyway! I’m off track, how do you politely shut someone down? Even with valid arguments sometimes it’s a never ending issue and unfortunately it isn’t a situation of just ignoring this person or blocking them until they go away. Would really appreciate y’all’s opinions on this.