Breast absess, heartbreaking


I thought it was just ligament pain but by midnight last night I was in tears. My whole left breast was swollen, tender and I couldn't move my left arm.

I took a narco and made it till morning but by noon I was shaking so bad from the pain that my husband made me go to the ER. I didn't even noticed the red dots on my breast.

By time I got there I was running 103 temp. My whole left breast Is infected but the biggest mass is 4cm! I'm on heavy antibiotics and pain medication and they are keeping me in and my 2 week old baby can't stay and even with the agony I am in my heart hurts worse, I've never been away from her 💔 I can't breastfeed, or hold her 💔

I meet with the surgeon tomorrow, they have to put a drain in. :(

I just miss my baby.