I need some advice before calling it quits…

I have 2 kids but this is my first time breast feeding. My LO is only 4 days old. I am miserable though. My boobs hurt all the time unless I just finished feeding her. My nipples are so sore and they are bleeding. I am almost in tears every time she latches. It feels like she has razor blades in her mouth. I just started to pump because my boobs get engorged every few hours of hours even when she has nursed. I have been waking her up to eat every 2-3 hours because she’s still sleeping all the time. Some times she won’t even latch and I’ve supplemented formula here and there. I’m worried she isn’t getting enough because she doesn’t have many wet diapers and only one dirty diaper since we got home. She also was a risk for jaundice so she had some lights put on her at the hospital and they told me to make sure she is eating because it can help with the jaundice but her eyes are still yellowish. (I’m calling doctors in the morning about the eyes.) Does anyone have some advice or tips on what I can do to help?!