Excessive bleeding

Torri • Wife, teacher, Mama, Baby girl Jan. 2018 🎀 Baby boy June 2019 👼🏻 Baby girl July 2020 TTC #4

Since my miscarriage on May 4, I have bled almost consistently, with maybe a week to ten days of not bleeding, then right back at it. Today my bleeding started again and it has been incredibly heavy. I’ve had spurts where the bleeding is so heavy I’m using the bathroom every 20 minutes and soaking pads and then times where things seem to be letting up. This evening I saw these clots in my pad. It had been about 3 hours since I changed it. I feel like I have recently given birth (which I’ve done three times now). Sore, tired, slightly emotional. I’m hoping to get into my OB tomorrow. I never went in for an ultrasound or bloodwork post miscarriage so I’m worried maybe I still have tissue in my uterus. Any other thoughts?