Will they treat me?


So I’m 22, been trying to conceive for almost a year and had vaginal issues for over 2 years that was misdiagnosed and neglected by my doctors. I knew something was wrong but they kept pumping me with drugs for diagnosis I was negative for (got treated for yeast but my tests were negative then got BV for taking the yeast medicine). After 2 years and TTC 5 months, I forced my doctors to pay attention to my issues and got an HSG. I found out I had a blocked tube but they don’t want to do anything about it so I requested an off post specialist (I’m in the military and military doctors suck) and got an appointment in August. August makes 10 months TTC with no luck and a blocked Fallopian tube. I’m scared she’s going to make me wait until over a year to treat me when it takes me 2 months just to get one appointment. All I want is for a diagnosis for why I have a blocked tube and if they can remove it. If not then chlomidto help with ovulation.

Do you think they’ll neglect me until after a year after waiting two months just for this appointment.