TTC - not working?

I’m extremely confused and sad. My cycle is usually regular. Every six months I have a long cycle, usually 35-38 days. Once a year I usually go 52-58 days in between cycles. I’m at cd 46, took a test last weekend, negative. Cm was creamy white. Earlier in my cycle, it all seemed normal, egg white cm, with a small amount of red in it and mild cramping for a few days. Today, egg-white cm, and cramping. Baby danced last night, not thinking about TTC, I have kinda ruled it out this month and have just been waiting for AF to show up so we can get on to trying again. Is it possible I am ovulating late? If so, why did I have the same cm earlier in this month, can you ovulate 2x and skip your period? I’m going to continue to wait for AF, but if it doesn’t show next week, I’ll take another test? Just looking for advice, similar stories, clarity and support.