Behavior problems, is this normal? 21 month old


I’m a first time mom so I’m doing everything by trial and error. My daughter is very defiant and obstinate with me and only occasionally with my boyfriend. She doesn’t listen to anything I say to the point it’s a safety issue, I’ve had to get a leash because she’ll go run out into the road. She is extremely rambunctious and hyper. Throwing things (even at me now), hitting me, trying to bite me, pulls my hair, pinches me, kicks me. She used to hit herself with her hand. The first time she tried to bite me was around 6 months old when she was upset. But my boyfriend has 3 other kids (that he hasn’t seen in 7 years) and says all of this is normal. Last time he saw them they were 7, 6, and 1.

She also is an extremely picky eater. She won’t eat veggies anymore. She used to love broccoli, corn and carrots. I can’t get her to eat them at all. Even if they are in veggie nuggets. She doesn’t like milk anymore either, only juice or water. Now the only thing she loves to eat are French fries, fruit and cheese. My boyfriend will pull the he had three kids so he knows better card when he wants to get his way. Especially when I’ve tried to give her a home cooked meal. He rather eat out, and when he does, he gives her his fries. He’ll just say it’s only fries, or it’s a veggie a potato. He wants to give her fried food. SMH.