Fear of pregnancy... Need help & comforting advice ♡

So I really would love to know if anyone can relate or offer any comforting advice... ♡

My husband and I want to start a family at the end of this year. We've both always wanted to have kids and feel the timing is right for us. But... I have this fear and uncontrollable pit in my stomach that won't let me be excited for this new journey.

I think some of the fear comes from this ridiculous, inconsolable fear of needles (since childhood I cannot shake this dumb fear 🙄), and some from the thought "am I really ready?", or even just fear of the unknown. After almost a decade with my husband, knowing I have him gives me a sense of comfort, peace of mind, and strength/confidence that we (or mostly I) can do this physically and emotionally. But i can't get out of my head and I don't know what will help me to stop overthinking all of this. I don't think this is normal which makes me feel ridiculous if im being honest.

I'd love to talk to someone who can relate and sympathize or share your experience. I just don't know what to do to overcome this fear in my head and to be excited for this new chapter in our journey. Can anyone relate?

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