Going from 2 to 3 kids !


Hi moms!

I can’t believe I’m asking this because I was 200% DONE after 2 kids. Always said I would be & knew I would be. Yet here I am having this crazy thing happening to me where out of no where I am trying to decide if I really am done 🤯. I am freaking myself out because this is SO unexpected lol. I do not understand what came over me, and how suddenly/strongly it did !!?

SO — for the moms who went from 2 to 3 kids … did you always know you wanted 3? Or did it hit you out no where like I’m experiencing? And how did you know… did you just decide to go for it because you were thinking about it so much or did the decision just hit you one day?? I go SO back & forth every day & so does my husband 😄. I am hoping one day the answer will just hit me, but not sure if that will actually happen!

I have 2 boys, a 4 year old & a 10 month old!
