Should i beat her A$$? ( story time w/ receipts)


( update: some of y’all have to calm down this is only a story of something that once hurt me that I’m now making lite of it’s not that deep I was a whole different person then truth be told besides feeling the need to share this story I could care less about the situation at this point please don’t lose sleep over this you don’t have to read it. ❤️)

Ok so I’m gonna try to make this as short as possible but it’s long and trust me it’s some HOT tea , 100% real proof of how messed up my life is 😭😭

(Part: 1)

So basically I had this one friend since highschool she’s about a year and a half younger than me but we’re in our mid 20s now so it’s been a minute.

Anyways a few years ago we resumed our friendship because like most friends we had our ups and downs but nothing super serious I ended up letting her stay with me even tho we just started speaking again because I witnessed her mom basically throw her out! and I have a huge heart (I’ve made the mistake of letting someone live with me from a sad story wayy too many times) but that’s not even what happened!

she’s been dealt pretty bad cards in the parent department so she didn’t know as much as I did with normal life situations so of course I made it my job to completely take her under my wing and help her with everything I could (celebrated birthdays, family holidays, jobs, food, Gifts etc )while she was there cause that’s just who I am ..

Now I know I make myself sound great which overall I truly am however we definitely bumped heads and I had my blame I was definitely more of a hot head back then .. anyways I eventually helped her get a place (roommate) and a good job and what does she do.. she moved to Florida with her toxic ex bf who’s like 30 with 4 kids they left to go live with his dad and from then on our friendship was a long distance every now and then phone call type of thing.

So now the backstory is complete here’s where it gets toxic… so like I said my “friend” didn’t have much home training so she was how do you say…. Loose! Not to beat around the bush she was hot n ready like a pizza fresh out the oven her poor bf stayed kissing D… never mind not to mention she’s actually very attractive lol which is compliment coming from me not to sound vain but so am I so it always felt like a power trip in pulbic turning heads together! I however was a virgin until I was 20 so I just couldn’t relate to her whenever whoever mindset even as we got older but I wasn’t a prude let’s just say we had our fun too!

So basically I considered her closer than I would my other friends she’s even met my dad who doesn’t live in my state so only a select few has met him speaking of him he’s otw to his 60s but you couldn’t tell by looking at him very funny and charming I’d even say that’s where I get my award winning personality from. Young girls seem to fall for it 😷🤮

He first meet her when he came down for my graduation and has been infatuated ever since ( I know gross) unlike myself who was stuck in a little boy body growing up she actually developed and matured fast so naturally she liked older men ( well all men) but definitely older lol even though my body looks good and as it should for my petite frame I can honestly say she definitely got me there 😂

Anyways let’s fast foward so while her and I were living our separate lives I started working on my next project.. I have like a thousand siblings from my dads side because like I mentioned earlier he’s just as hot n ready I was usually the only one around during the summer ( the favorite duh ) but as I grew up I started actually meeting more of them .. until I met the last two they are 5 & 6 years younger than me and were basically kidnapped by there grandmother but that’s a whole other story..

Anyways my dad likes em foreign so my sisters didn’t speak the best English growing up with there grandmother they didn’t move to America again until like 15& 16 so even to this day they are not 100% Americanized and also the felt extremely abandoned so they were a little problematic at first especially the oldest one she would lie so effortlessly but knowing me I never gave up on them I wanted to know them so we kept in touch!

Did I mention my dad is married? Well he is he married a women that was just like my mother in the worst years of her life so naturally I can not stand her she’s loud irresponsible a alcoholic and a sex addict apparently ( my mom wasn’t all those things but she loud and troublesome) anyways there relationship is the definition of toxic!!! They cheat on each other all the time,

Fight, then post up on the gram like nothing happened if she wasn’t the mother of one of my favorite siblings I really wouldn’t even acknowledge her…

So boom! Fast forward One day I’m on the phone with my sister ( the oldest out of the two I mentioned) and one thing about her that everyone agrees on is she can not keep a secret!! She proceeded to tell me how our dad gets on the phone with her bf and brag about how he goes to visit my friend (there was something about buying her things but he was too cheap for me to believe that at first..)

Now like I said I was a hot head! And I knew my dad liked her I knew he flirted with her and I really could careless but for THIS to be going on behind my back!! Was unacceptable especially because at the time him and were arguing because when he’s up in life he can never thinking about the right people and he definitely wasn’t coming to visit me and I’m 110% daddy’s girl so this news really hurt! I felt betrayed lol

So I didn’t want to flip out just yet cause like I said my sister is a liarrrr so I messaged them both! ( the first 3 is my dad)

Look for part 2!