7 month old suddenly not napping in crib

Bex • Life...uh...finds a way 🦖

For 3 days, my son will not nap in his crib anymore and I have no idea why. He'll sleep at night ok and was doing great with naps independently, only needing to be laid down with a binky and was out within 5 minutes. Now, it's taking an hour and he's inch-worming, rolling back and forth, and getting really hyped up out of nowhere. I follow wake windows, sleepy cues, etc. Nothing in the routine changed. Even holding him is taking 10+ minutes to settle him down. We're leaving for vacation in 3 days too 🤦‍♀️🙄 I've tried the swing, rocking him, shushing him, teething gel, tylenol, laying him down and walking away. He's been teething since 2 months old with still no teeth so idk whats going on but I gotta figure this out quick or vacation is going to absolutely suck. Any advice???