Unprotected sex

Se me and this guy that I’ve been talking to did the deed last night. It was SO good I swear it was just UGH so good! After we fucked I sucked him for a lil and he said he needed somewhere to cum if he could cum on my ass? I was kinda confused because I’ve never been asked that but I just said yes.. so he was Jackin it when all the sudden he just put it in again and we started goin at it. His dick came out a couple times. And when he went to put it back in he pretty much went soft. After I pulled my undies up and I sat down, when I got up to use the bathroom I noticed they were soaked. He insists he didn’t cum tho, that he was unable to and it seemed like he felt really bad about it. But I’ve been thinking about it since then and i kinda am worried he came in me. So I asked him again and he said no he didn’t cum. Should I just be smart and take a plan b??