Sleep Issues

Hello there!

I have no idea where to start. Everything was good till he turned 3 months. As soon as he completed 3 months his sleep issues started.

Before 3 months, he used to sleep from 8pm to 8am, waling up 1-2 times for a feed and used to go back to sleep. After that he started waking up once every couple of hrs and used to go back to sleep. I was convincing myself that this is Leap4/Sleep regression and will pass soon. Its almost the end of leap 4 now and past so many days it has been a absolute mess! He wakes up every 40mins or so and is wide awake cooing. Needs a lot of effort to get him back to sleep.

We have been following a routine from day 6 and its the same thing we are doing it even now.

Mostly he is on crib drowsy but awake. I have no idea what hapnd to my little sleeper 😭. He is certainly not hungry when he wakes up so many times. He is a happy baby so far and is not unmanageable.

May be this will pass or not, I have no idea. Its been tough for us managing things. We couldn’t have our family here due to covid and everything is absolutely nee for us with our first little one. Doing our best to do things right!

Can you please help me understand if sleep training actually works? (Taking cara babies). Should I wait till he turns 20 weeks or so? My worry is not only about our sleep but our little ones too. I want him to rest well. He is 18 weeks now.