She just ruined my whole day and she doesn’t even know


My co worker called me ugly today, maybe it was a joke idk but I just started this job a few months ago, idk this girl like that, and when she said that I ignored it but it made me think back to middle school when I got bullied for having a little belly, ever since elementary-high school I struggled with ED and would starve myself sometimes to always stay skinny and since covid I’ve let myself go, gotten a lot of stretch marks, I don’t even recognize the body I’m in and even joking about my appearance triggers me and makes me feel so horrible I wish I could stop eating today and go back to my skinny self again. I don’t really put on makeup since we wear mask and I don’t look the best without it but I try dressing cute and to kind of do my hair now I just don’t want to eat, I know I’ve been neglecting my appearance but I’ve been trying to fade my stretch marks and lose weight and try to fit into my old clothes I just really felt it today and it sucks 😔