Fat comments towards 2.5 year old


So when my father in law comes over to see my daughter he always bring her a little box of chocolate Timbits. It’s been happening for a while now and it’s become a special thing. However, the last time he was over he said to her that he’s probably going to stop bringing them because they’re going to make her fat.

I was so shocked and expected my husband to say something but he didn’t. And I really regret it but I didn’t say anything either.

So today he came over and he didn’t bring her Timbits, which I wouldn’t even have thought twice about if it wasn’t for his comments the last time.

I tried to discuss this with my husband after he left but he doesn’t see what the issue is. I tried explaining that hearing things like that could potentially give her an unhealthy relationship with food and could eventually lead to an eating disorder. All he did was pretty much defend his dad by saying that she’ll hear comments like these eventually anyways so what does it matter. I had a very unhealthy relationship with food from the time I was 9 to about 23. And I still have a very low self esteem. I don’t want my daughters to feel the way I did/do.

I would like my husband to be on the same page as me but he insists I’m over reacting.

Do you guys have any advice on how to talk to my husband to help him understand my point of view?

Or am I over reacting?