Missed positive opk day. AGAIN!! 😤


Yesterday I got a positive easy at home opk and a positive clear blue advanced digital opk. I told my husband as I ALWAYS do that we need to make sure to do the deed yesterday and for the next two days. BUT YET AGAIN he falls asleep before we can ever do the deed yesterday. It is hard to when we have to get our little one to sleep first which took an hour and then of course my husband is also sleeping after. EVERYTIME! So now it's 12:45 am and I wake up to cramping (ovulation cramps most likely) only to remember ONCE AGAIN. We never had sex yesterday 😔 another day missed opportunity to try. Why does it ALWAYS feel like I am the only one that cares to do it during our positive opk time, EVERYTIME there is always a day we ALWAYS MISS because my partner doesn't remember or falls asleep. I Hate being the only one that Cares. This is our 4th ish cycle of trying and YET ANOTHER DAY missing our chance. Im hoping we don't miss our window AGAIN. UGH men will never understand the stress we go through peeing in a cup every damn morning, waiting to see if we got a positive ovulation this time or waking up to record our damn temperature to track BBT. Men don't see that side!! At least mine doesn't. It's so frustrating!!! Please lord just let me return to my sleep in peace knowing when it's our time it will happen 🙏 😔 please cramps calm down so I don't have to be reminded we didn't do it 😔