Irregular periods and faint positives every day even when period arrives

Abit of a strange one .

Around 4 months ago i started having what i know now is irregular periods that i mistook for chemical pregnancys every time as always get a faint line on pregnancy tests? And bleeding with tiny clots with 3-5 days spotting when i wipe every time period finishes which i never used to have.

I have worked out tracking periods manually that they are now always usually never before 50-60 day cycles ( which is why i always presumed i was having chemical pregnancys from 28 day cycles went to 30-35 days now upto 60 days til period longest cycle 62 days ) . Well Last month i missed my second period had bloods done which was negative 3 days later period shows up day i got negative blood results from gp. my issue is that i am always getting faint positive tests as I know now its not to do with pregnancy as after getting same faint tests and bloods it was negative borderline, has any one had this keep getting faint positive even when period finishes ? I know im not pregnant i duno where im going with this just worried as my cycles was 28 days then went to 30-35 days now i never get a cycle before day 60 ? I have read up about peri menopause and they can also give you faint positives ! but i am only 23!? 😞 I am obviously worried and scared will be ringing gp tomorrow i gave birth a year ago periods normal after 6 week’s postpartum and negative hcg tests but this will be 3rd month of getting faint positives throughout whole cycle as done several daily and different brands obviously i am concerned about it. My thyroid levels etc are normal so worried why cycles keep gettng longer and faint tests every day of cycle then next cycle etc has any one had this ? Even after negative blood results still was getting faint positives and periods