Not feeling’ it 😑 , too much sex

My husband and I have been together for 4 years. I absolutely love him to death, but he is starting to get on my last dang nerve!! According to him, if he could have sex with me every single day then he would be super happy… but I need a freaking break! I honestly just don’t think about sex as much as he does. For me, if we had sex once or twice a week then I’m good. I do everything I can to please him and make sure his needs are met, but there’s only so much I can give. I am exhausted!! The past few nights I’m like, “Please, I just want to sleep!!” Every night I literally wake up to him rubbing on my booty or touching my boobs, which is fine, but like I said.. I’m freaking exhausted!! I tried explaining to him.. I just need a break from all the sex. Sure, when I was younger this would have been a dream come true, but we are almost 30 and we have 2 kids that constantly need my attention. I never have any time to myself… not even when I’m trying to sleep now!! Lately he grabs my hand and puts it on his crotch, like that’s gonna turn me on or something. I tell him to stop and he keeps doing it. Honestly, this level of neediness is starting to really turn me off. I don’t want any part in it and I just want to be left alone. In the back of my mind I keep thinking “if you don’t do it for him then someone else will” so this wave of guilt just consumes me. I’m just so tired and I don’t want this to cause problems in our marriage.