Late period - HELP


Hey everyone! I'm looking to see if anyone else had the same problem.

I'm currently 13 days overdue for my period. I've taken 2 tests that have been negative (several days apart). I'm not having any of the usual signs of AF. My belly feels really bloated and tight. Not like period bloating, but like a really full feeling like when you eat way to much. Today I've been slightly nauseous.

I've been going the bathroom pretty regularly, so I dont think I'm backed up, but if I was that only explains the bloating, not the late period.

Anyone been in a similar situation? Any help, guidance, etc. Is much appreciated. I've wanted another child so much and this is messing with my psyche bad. 🥺🤞

Edit: my period is very regular and has never been more than a day or 2 off.