Lost in my marriage

My husband and I have been together for over 6 years. We have had lots of ups and downs but we just seem to have hit rock bottom.

Lately all he says when we argue is that I am liar and everything I say is BS.

He says I am a liar because he has been asking me to be more sexual with him and I said I would try. I am currently going through a a big depression with all of our fights and I feel disconnected from him. Yesterday he asked me if I had new ideas of things to try with him and I told him no. He got really upset and told me that I was a liar for telling him I would try to be more sexual and not have an answer to his question. I probably should have expressed how I had been feeling these past days, but I just don’t even know what I am feeling half of the time.

I am just tired of being a called a liar and him telling me that my answers are BS. So freaking tired….

I don’t know what to do with our marriage anymore, I don’t know if I will be able to feel connected to him emotionally and sexually. I know I am not perfect and I have to work on myself, but is this normal?!