Please help!

Christel 💋 • Married 10/14/2017♥️ Mommy to Jace 11/25/2018💙💚

My last cycle I had a perfect 28 day cycle with perfectly timed ovulation (which never happens for me with PCOS). This month my premom app says this is my fertile week starting 7/18, but my Temp isn't getting higher and my LH levels are fluctuating but staying really low. I started Myo- inositol this cycle and I am praying it works, because I don't want to take metformin again. I also take prenatal vitamins and probiotics.

My Glow prediction is saying fertile week is a little over a week away, so I am trying to figure all this out whole testing and taking my temp.

What are the best products out there that can help me. Best (non expensive) Baselbody thermometer, supplements, ect.

Also ,Do these charts look normal?