

Hi all

So I miscarried on the 5th July.. I was 5 weeks.. I only bled for 3-4 days and it stopped.

I said to myself I would not track this cycle and thought what would be would be… it says I should be ovulating today but I know it can generally take 4-6 weeks for period to be back to normal so hence why it be hard to track ovulation unless your checking everyday (which I’m not) haven’t really had any signs.. I had left ovary pain the other night but I was also in the car and needed to pee (was a long car trip) so I put it down to most likely that.

Today I couldn’t help myself and tested with an ovulation test.. it said I wasn’t at peak but when I opened it the line was dark (not enough to peak) but thought that I might be coming up to it or maybe I already had…

I’ve never pulled a digital clear blue before but is there generally a line.. would it be lighter if I wasn’t close to ovulation?

With the strip tests I know it’s easier to track this and see the progression

I’ll insert a pic