Hellish day (but it’s all worth it ❤️)



Went into obgyn urgent care bc of strong sharp cramping and dehydration at 10am. Spent ALL day in normal urgent care instead bc the OBGYN urgent care said my ~normal pregnancy symptoms~ sounded more like Covid (even though I’m vaccinated, work from home etc). Was told after IV drip they wanted to give me an ultrasound. So texted Fiancé who showed up, and then wasn’t allowed to see me (bc I was flagged for Covid), even to give me a smoothie bc I needed food.

All in all I sat in there for 9 HOURS with only 6 packets of saltines, and the bed was raised so I had to nap sitting up. I appreciate the precautions but whoever thought leaving a pregnant woman alone for hours at a time with no food all day was a good idea needs their head examined. Not to mention the needle just sat in my arm for 5 hours AFTER the IV and blood draws “just in case”.

Anyways, after 6 hours or so, I was finally led to a room alone where I got an early ultrasound. Had to wait 5 anxious minutes while all the pictures were taken, but at the end was allowed to see the little bug measuring exactly 6 weeks with a strong 124bpm. Took another 3 hours to be talked through a couple cysts they saw on the scans, get out, and go home, but I made it.

Urgent care sucks. I probably don’t have Covid. So sad the first ultrasound had to happen while I was alone and scared. So tired of the DAY I had. But so SO SOOOO grateful for a healthy little bug in there. Here’s hoping the scheduled scan in 2 weeks is just as strong for daddy💕