What do I do? Pregnancy scare

I am on the road to getting on birth control and I’ve called the place my mom goes to a few times and they won’t reach back out and it’s the only place that my insurance covers. I’ve had sex a few times some with condoms and only twice just the withdrawal method. About 3 weeks now since the first time and I’ve had terrible constipation, nausea, and frequent urination. I did have a UTI a week ago. But as I read up more on symptoms and stuff I freak myself out and convince myself I am. My period is supposed to start in a week but I’m so impatient to see if it’s gonna come. I’m planning on taking a clearblue pregnancy test cause they’re supposed to be able to read fast. If I am pregnant though, I don’t know how to tell my mom or if I even should because I lied to her about sleeping with him. I would want to get an abortion but I’m 19 with no car simply because my mom doesn’t trust me to drive. What I’m trying to ask is should I tell my mom even though it will just ruin her trust in me even more? I haven’t given her a reason to, she just doesn’t want me to grow up so I do a lot of things without her knowing.