Similar Baby names


Ok so my daughters name is maesyn and I know when people hear it you first think of mason in your head. Our sons name is Hudson and I didn’t realize they were so similar until I was on the table for my csection and the anesthesiologist asked about names and was like “wow you really like names ending the same eh” and I know he was just making small talk but my brain has never forgot about that 21/2 years later lol. Anyways I’m pregnant with my third, a girl and I really like the name Raelynn. Apprently I do like those kind of names 😂 they’re all different endings but sound super similar.

My question is; is this weird? Will people see my names and be like wow she tried to hard or is it cute? I’m having such a hard time deciding on names and I always go back to Raelynn. I’m probably just over thinking this entire thing but please let me know what you think 💕