Chance of pregnancy

Hi, ladies!

So my husband and I had an “uh oh” moment during sex the other night. He accidentally went inside of me. We don’t use any form of hormonal birth control because my body doesn’t react well to it. We used to use condoms but after being married for a year we decided to use the pull out method only. We have used this method for the past 4 months. I ovulated about 4 days ago, so I was wondering how big my chances were of becoming pregnant days after ovulation? I start my period in 7 days, and I would also like to note that I have ovarian cysts and my Dr suspects endometriosis, so I was told that becoming pregnant may be a little bit harder than normal but the dr wasn’t completely sure since I am young. Anyways, just looking for your input and experiences.

I would also like to note for the ones who tell me to get on some form of birth control: we both know there is always a risk of pregnancy with sex, birth control or not. We aren’t trying for a baby, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world if it happened. We both really want a baby, but whenever it happens, it will happen.

Thank you in advance!!