It’s been a year since I miscarried.


It’s been a year since I miscarried and I can’t help but be upset for getting that opportunity taken away from me. To not be able to feel my baby kick, or see it, hear it’s heartbeat. To not be able to know if it was a girl or boy. To not be able to feel or hold it. I’ll never get that back. Now, my fiancé and I have been trying for about a year now and still no luck. I’m starting to feel like, maybe it’s not meant to be. I just turned 37, I just feel like time is running out. I just feel helpless sometimes and maybe it’s not in gods path for us. I just really wish I didn’t have a miscarriage, it was hard a year ago, now it’s hitting me again. Haven’t felt this way since a year ago. It hurts. Please someone tell me if it ever gets better. I just had to vent ladies.
