I don’t know what to do…


I turned 22 this year… I have had 3 miscarriages in the past 3 years, I have now living children… my first miscarriage was in 2019 at just over 4weeks.. my second miscarriage happened August 2020 when I went in for my blood work to confirm my pregnancy, they said I was probably only a week or two. Most recently was February 12, 2021 at 7weeks 3days… I had an appointment at 1pm just as a check-up. I had some light spotting but she said it was normal because I had a bicornuate uterus.. put me back on pelvic rest for 2 weeks and then scheduled another appointment. I saw my baby’s heartbeat and everything was normal… When I got home I just relaxed and didn’t do much. It was my fiancé’s birthday so I felt awful holding him back. He went to his family’s house and had a party, drinking and such. He left around 4pm. 6pm hit and I started having these god awful cramps that were making me sick. I went to the bathroom and there was so much blood… there were clots and I started panicking. My fiancé had our car but I couldn’t get ahold of him. I had to take a taxi to the ER. The nurse there was so rude, telling me it wasn’t an emergency cuz I wasn’t bleeding out. They left me alone in an exam room for 2 1/2 hours before they even registered me. I bleed thru my pad and my pants, it was when covid wouldn’t let anyone else come in. I had to call my friend to bring me spare clothes. They finally came in to see me and they put an IV in. It was wrong, the plastic tube was partially sticking out, I kept telling them it was pinching and painful but they said it was fine. They never even used the IV. They did a physical exam and said there was blood and tissue and I should just go home. I asked them to do an ultrasound and explained my bicornuate uterus and the doctor said it was possible to bleed from one side and be pregnant with the other. It was a mess. She made me feel pathetic for going to the ER. I was shaking and crying.. it was freezing outside but I chose to walk home instead of be around anyone else. My fiancé called me while I was walking, it was his birthday so I felt like a complete screw up for telling him about it on his birthday… he came home and tried to make me feel better… but I hated my life so much… nothing could help. I went to my OB, and they finally realized I had a septum growing in my uterus, it was a bicornuate uterus. The growth was most likely the reason for all of my miscarriages because it was so large. When I had surgery to remove it they said it was bigger than they had thought. And accidentally poked a hole in my uterus. I have a appointment in a few weeks to check and see if the hole closed on its own or not AND to see if the growth was shaved down enough. My period has been late every month (this is month 3) since the surgery. My period was never late once a day in my life besides when I was pregnant… every month I have tested and I keep swearing that I see a super super super faint line but it’s not actually there. And when my period comes it really kills me… I’m scared to keep trying but at the same time I don’t want to stop trying… I don’t have the best emotional support since my mom passed away right before my first miscarriage, and my mom was my bestfriend. My fiancé isn’t an emotional type, his family hates me so they are definitely off the list. And my friend that I talk to just don’t really understand why I’m so upset… I’m lost in every way possible and I don’t know what I want to do… I can’t take another miscarriage… but I don’t know if I wanna give up on trying. Only problem is my mom had a hysterectomy at 28… her mom had one at 30… I’m scared if I put it off I might lose my chance. I have 2 ultrasound pictures from my last pregnancy but I never got any from the first 2. I cry and I feel so empty… Does anyone have any advice on ways to get thru it… anyways to make it easier… any advice at all…