Recurrent miscarriage - pregnant with rainbow 🌈


Helloo all!!

So on Tuesday we found out we are pregnant with our rainbow baby!

We already have a little boy hes nearly 2 and half and full of mischief!!

But since having him I have suffered with recurrent miscarriage, we have lost 3 pregnancies 4 babies (1 pregnancy would of been twins) and I have been for tests, blood test scans you name it.

I got my results back 2 weeks ago and found that all my obs and levels are normal but I do have a heart shaped womb and would been meds at 6 weeks to help along the way

Has anybody else got a heart shaped womb and carried babies to term? Had meds to help? Or would like to talk about their experiences?

Sorry for the long post! 🙈🙊 xx