More so venting.. 🙃

Brit ✨💜 • {JLG 💍 BMG }•{🦖Five ZLG boys 💙} {Sweet princess Due Feb 2025 🩷👑} • God & Jesus #1❣️•

Only posting because like most.. hard times do hit. And I need prayers for sanity and anxiety more than anything. I don't have any family, and my husband's family have already shamed us for having another child.. (at the time we weren't even financially struggling) so I don't even wanna think about asking them for help. I did however, before hard times hit, bought some newborn- 03 month clothing and a carseat and stroller. And I have a few items from my 2 year old, like his baby bed. We didn't expect such a financial hit, but my husband's been out of work for longer than we thought.. He's the only one who works, since I'm home with our other three boys.. he's finally going back this Monday.. but we have A LOT of catching up with bills to do.. alot alot.. we've been living off the little we have had saved up. And what we do get, we put it all in groceries and bills. I feel like my anxiety bis causing me to stress more than I need to. I'm just scared of not being prepared 🙃

I do NOT *expect* anyone to purchase anything. Please do NOT feel obligated or anything of that nature. I know one way or another we will have what we desperately need.