My milk is drying up😢


My baby is only 4 months old and I was planning to breastfeed for a year. I mainly pump and she gets the bottle (that’s another story) but now I can only produce around 21 oz a day and she eats 25 oz. I had a huge frozen stash, used to produce a LOT, like 33 oz a day, but we are running out of it and in a day or two I will have to give her formula too. I know many Mamas here formula feed their babies, so it may sound stupid for them, but it really breaks my heart. I pump whenever I have time, but honestly who does have time with a baby? I drink lots of water, eat my protein, supplements check, powerpumping check. I have no idea why my milk is drying up. My husband says it’s fine, but I think he doesn’t understand. I feel like I failed as a Mom, since I can’t feed my own baby.