Bad sex?

I love my boyfriend we’ve been dating 7 months and have been having sex for 6. However, he always cums in seconds (he’s 21) at first I understood since I’m his first but now it is seriously becoming frustrating. He never goes down on me, he never fingers me on top of only lasting 30 seconds most of the time. The longest he’s ever lasted has been like 7 minutes during round 2 of sex.

It’s so annoying because I’m tired of always using my vibrator when he’s gone. I want to enjoy sex but it’s so hard when I am the one putting all of the effort in.

Advice? Is it wrong to be annoyed? How do I fix this?

I’ve tried don’t stop spray, I’ve tried more foreplay, I feel like I’ve tired everything and nothing works. Is this normal? I had previous sexual partners and this has never been an issue before him.