juss wanna share ..

Gussielee • gave birth to a beautiful baby boy April 28 2015
so I been spotting this pregnancy and im actually 9w4d happy but I was worry everyone was saying its a early misscsrriage and all this drama when actually I went to urget care doctor said cervix is selled close , and the spotting was coming from my cervix but the reason why having sex and my boyfriend penis touching my cervix as he say ( going deep) doctor totally agree with him I'm so release but never let someone assume what's long on with you until you go to the doctor because no body on here is a OBGYN so they have no right to tell you whys going in your case my baby doing very well top ultrasound I was 8w heartbeat 174 second ultrasound just two days ago baby actually move for me on the ultrasound and the heartbeat was 171 I love my baby so much and he or she isn't even here yet