To test or not to test

So today I have to give my new tattoo artist my “sketch and ideas” for a tattoo I’m getting in a month. The down payment was already paid to reserve my spot. My period was due Wednesday on Flo and yesterday here on glow. No signs of it yet. I usually have random light spotting of blood a few times when wiping (for a couple days) before my period starts. Haven’t had that either. My boobs have this burning sensation (same feeling during my first pregnancy) but I also don’t want to let myself think anything because of that.

I don’t know if I should test or wait. I kind of want to test so that my SO can just take my spot and send what he wants instead for the tattoo (if I’m pregnant) but I also don’t want to be disappointed. We have a miscarriage a year ago (yesterday) and a chemical in January.

I guess I’m more so sharing my thoughts on how I feel because there’s not really much of a question up there. Would you test? I also don’t feel like proof reading so I apologize if my thoughts are a big mess of nonsense 🤣.