I’ve made it to 29 weeks!! In hospital for pretermpreterm labor counting everyday baby gets to grow inside as a bless!!


I’m celebrating every milestone we accomplish forever beautiful baby boy!

I was diagnosed with short cervix and they placed Pessary in signs 23-24 weeks. I had it in for 2 weeks and started having contractions. I came into hospital on 7/2 having contractions (about25 weeks). I was armored admitted I kept for 12 days. I was home for about a week and started having more contractions. So I returned 3 days ago with contractions 2-3 mins apart. When I arrived my cervix was closed but after more contractions they checked me and I had progressed to 2 cm and 80% effaced. I’ve been given steroids to help baby develop in case he comes now and doctor said survival rate is high at this gestation. But I really don’t want him to come this early and not be able to go home with me. They have me on progesterone and nifedipine and magnesium. Please keep us in your prayers. 🙏🏽🙏🏽

I was able to get my maternity shoot done before coming back and someone came to do a belly cast for me while I was here yesterday. So grateful for having the memories of this journey. Here’s a sneak peek of my maternity shoot and unfinished belly cast.

How cast will look when finished