I hate first response tests


So keep in mind me and my boyfriend are not really ready for a kid. We’re both in school. I’m going to nursing school in 4 weeks and I start having every single pregnancy symptoms. So I test all week and this week. I get a faint positive

Then I tell my boyfriend that night and we’re both freaking out. Also keep in mind it’s not really a shock because we aren’t exactly safe because I’m not on birth control because it makes me really sick everytime I’m on it. But this is why I’m frustrated.

First one is positive then I take 2 more the next day. And they’re negative. Keep in mind again that I’m having every symptom and being nauseous really bad every morning and night. And then everyone’s telling me to wait because it could just be that I don’t have enough hormones yet. Well turns out last night I started cramping and I know that’s normal in pregnancy in early stages. Well I’m like it’s fine it’s normal. I take my tests this morning. Then I wipe and there’s blood. And I started my period and all my tests are negative. So I just wanted to rant about my experience with first response because I got a CLEAR positive and was having symptoms. Maybe I was pregnant and miscarried? Or chemical? Maybe idk but I’m still pissed off. 😒 because yes I’m not ready but I’ve been told I’m infertile many times and I actually got excited about it after freaking out.

Thanks for listening to my rant. Have a nice day. 🤪