FET Update

Liz • TTC #1👶 • IVF Cycle #1 ✨

If you have been following my journey I have been part of these groups since January of 2021. I had 2 failed IUIs in Sept & Nov 2020 and I am diagnosed with low AMH. I had my first transfer with one PGT tested embaby on 7/13 and I had my beta today. I got the call this afternoon that I am officially pregnant and I’m literally over the moon and almost can’t believe it.

My HCG is at 226 and progesterone is at 13 (nurse said they aim for 10 or higher) so I am elated. I’ve been so scared to get excited and I still feel myself being cautiously optimistic but I can’t believe I can officially say I’m pregnant for the first time in my life. I am sending all my love to all my transfer buddies whether you got your positive this time or not. I pray for all of you to get your positive and I have faith that you will. It was hard to maintain a positive outlook throughout the process when numbers weren’t the best but it only takes one. Thank you all for your love, support and positivity. I don’t know what I would’ve done or where I would be if I didn’t have the support of all of you ❤️✨