Scared I could still be pregnant?

I was on the pill, had to come off it in April because bad side effects. Had my period the next month. Last month, June, I didnt have a period at all. Just brown spotting and some pink and dark red blood but very light. Then in July on the 4th had the spotting again which turned into a period which was heavy with clots.

Sorry for the tmi picture but it was filling up a tampon like a normal period.

I gained some weight and its stressing me out because for some reason im still scared im pregnant even though I feel like i should feel relieved because I got my period finally. I keep seeing stories of women still getting their periods while pregnant.

I was sitting at the computer and felt what felt like kicks in my lower stomach, Its too early for that if I was pregnant but i literally felt my heart drop

I wanna get a test but im terrified to take it and boyfriend said we are too broke this month to get a test. I dont want to be pregnant and I cant sleep or eat im so stressed out. Is there a possibility I could be pregnant?

No mean comments please, im already beating myself up enough.