'Not' Finding out 😅


It's a good thing I didn't have my heart set on this baby being a surprise!

My husband and I (mostly me) decided not to find out or tell anyone our baby's gender this time around. He's on board with not sharing, but personally wants to know. So I brought home an unlabeled potty shot from my anatomy scan, and let him see without looking for myself.

He is so sure he can be sneaky and keep a secret, but I know him well enough. Within an hour he wanted me to remind him of the boy name we picked. And then the next day told our two year old she'll always be his favorite little girl. And then yesterday wondered aloud when people will say about the names we picked, and when I brought up our girl name he said 'oh, maybe not that one'

So we're having a boy, but I haven't decided if I should just let it go and tell him I know, or let him feel sneaky, cause I know he likes thinking he can be.

Either way will not affect our purchasing or prep. But he might want to tell family, which I really don't want to. Anyone have thoughts?